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Always Adored Calla Lily Bouquet

Always Adored Calla Lily Bouquet
Always Adored Calla Lily Bouquet is appropriate for a funeral, wake or memorial serivce, and will provide comfort in a time of grief.

Elegant, dramatic, understated and sophisticated. This simple bouquet of white calla lilies is bound to make a big impact celebrating a very special life. When it is time to pay tribute to someone whos left behind memories of a big life well-lived, this arrangement does so, and with a rare eloquence. The sleek, sculptural white calla lilies open against a background of sword fern fronds and other greens arranged in a clear glass French vase. Appropriate for a wake, funeral service or to console grieving family or friends at home.
FREE personalized gift message included. (Extra delivery charge for Alaska and Hawaii) Same-Day Flower Delivery Same-day florist delivery is available for this item, for orders placed before Noon in the recipient's timezone. Please see the Ordering and Delivery Information.

Substitutions may be necessary to ensure your arrangement or specialty gift is delivered in a timely manner and depending on availability. The utmost care and attention is given to your order to ensure that it is as similar as possible to the requested item. Substitution Policy

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